
Since our inception in 1955, General Repair Service has grown to serve as a premier industry leader in the sales, repair and solutions provider for a diverse customer base reliant on an efficient pumping operation. Over time, we have built a reputation for excellence and are driven to exceed customer expectations.

We are your single-source, knowledgeable force when it comes to moving liquids-from water to peanut butter, General Repair Service can provide the expertise you are looking for in a premier support partner.

PCA https://www.pca.state.mn.us/
MWOA http://mowa-mn.com/
MN Rural Water association. http://www.mrwa.com/
WEFTEC https://www.weftec.org

24 Hour Emergency Sales and Service

General Repair Service has a fleet of service trucks available 24 hours a day and our service personnel are factory trained.
Call: (651) 766-0874